Rajputana Collective is an attempt at entrepreneurial publishing as well as experimental journalism that strives to promote representative and collaborative opportunities for Rajputs worldwide. Therefore, all content in Rajputana Collective is published purely for informative purposes and does not claim to officially represent the Rajput community. All views, comments, opinions and statements expressed in this edition have been drafted in the spirit of ethical journalism and by no means does Rajputana Collective intend to offend anybody’s sentiments nor derogate any profession, institution, religion, caste, community, section(s) of society or beliefs of any nature whatsoever.
All written and graphic content is based on submissions provided by the featured person(s) and hence, Rajputana Collective awards full photographic credits to the featured person(s) and www.shutterstock.com without undertaking any copyright responsibilities for the same. In terms of web content that supplements any given article (in terms of photographic or informative content), Rajputana Collective bears no infringement motives on the original contributor whatsoever and pays full photo credits and copyright acknowledgement to them in the image credits section of the relevant article.
Furthermore, every article/column is based on written/spoken testimonies that have been collected directly from the featured person(s) and hence, Rajputana Collective relies entirely on the featured person(s) for the authenticity and accuracy of their respective material(s). Barring the purchased stock images photographs submitted by the featured person(s) as well as the supplementing web content, all creative and written content, as well as the layout thereof have been certified as the intellectual property of Rajputana Collective as per publication rules & regulations under the Indian judicial system by means of which, any infringement(s) on Rajputana Collective’s copyright material or the unauthorised usage(s) thereof is/are subject to legal intervention.